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introduction to sol domus, inc.
Welcome to the Sol Domus family! Here is your handbook. It tells you a lot of important things you may be wondering about, such as: · What programs and services Sol Domus offers· Where the Sol Domus programs are located· How you will pay for Sol Domus services· Who will help you with your health needs· How you can become a part of your community· What your rights and responsibilities are We will explain the handbook to you and/or your family before you begin using Sol Domus services. We will be happy to help you with problems and answer any questions you may have.
what is sol domus all about?
The Sol Domus Mission Statement is:Sol Domus, Inc. isCommitted To ProvidingTop Quality Care andPromoting Choice and Diversity. We believe that every person served by Sol Domus should be respected and treated with dignity at all times: Your safety and well being are our highest priorities. We pledge to provide you with top quality services in attractive, secure and comfortable surroundings. You have the right to make your own choices. Your individual needs and desires will guide every decision we make about your care. We will help you to become involved in community activities. Your happiness is just as important as that of anyone else, and we will give you the chance to achieve your dreams and lead a fulfilling life. Sol Domus knows that family and friends are very important to most people. We encourage you to invite your parents, guardians, case managers and anyone else you care about to be members of the team that helps you to make decisions about the services you receive here at Sol Domus.
you can be in the sol domus program if...
You need health care services
Someone can pay for your services
You can benefit from the services offered to you
You have a developmental disability
You can visit Sol Domus before you are accepted
Your application to enter Sol Domus program will not be affected by your race, color, creed, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, age, religion, ancestry or national origin.
what is an individual plan of care?
Your Individual Plan of Care (IPC) will be put together by a group of people that will include you, your family or guardians, your Waiver Case Manager, your case manager from other involved services, staff from Sol Domus, and any other people that you want to be part of your team. Everyone on your team will sit down together at your IPC meeting to decide what kinds of things you want to learn and what goals you may want to work on. The team will also discuss all the services that you may need in your life. Sol Domus staff will help you complete a “Person-Centered Plan” or a Pre-IPC meeting before your IPC meeting.
apply for a waiver
what services does sol domus provide?
RESIDENTIAL HABILITATION: Assistance with acquisition, retention or improvement in skills related to activities of daily living, such as personal grooming and cleanliness, bed making and household chores, eating and preparation of food, and the social and adaptive skills necessary to enable the individual to reside in a non-institutional setting. Payments for residential habilitation are not made for room and board, the cost of administering a facility or group home, or the costs of facility maintenance, upkeep, and improvement, other than such costs for modifications or adaptations to a facility required to assure the health and safety of residents or to meet the requirements of the applicable life safety code. Payment for residential habilitation does not include payments made, directly or indirectly to members of the recipient’s immediate family. Payments will not be made for the routine care and supervision which would be expected to be provided by a family or group home provider or for activities or supervision for which a payment is made by a source other than Medicaid.
you can leave the sol domus program if...
You have worked hard on your goals and are ready for a more independent life
You no longer wish to be in the Sol Domus program, or if your guardian or conservator no longer wishes for you to be in the Sol Domus program
There is no longer anyone to pay for your services
You have become a danger to yourself or to others
what if I have a complaint about my program? or anything else...
When you have a problem with a Sol Domus policy, rule, employee, or another consumer; or if you are unhappy with your Sol Domus program, there is a way you can talk about the problem and get help in fixing it. This is called a “grievance procedure,” and it works like this.
1. Tell one of the staff people in your program about your problem. If he or she can’t fix it within a week, then:
2. Talk to your Director of Sol Domus about the problem. If he or she can’t fix it within a week, then:
3. Call your Waiver Case Manager and talk to him or her about the problem. If the problem is still not fixed within a week, then: 4. Call your Area Resource Specialist who is part of the agency who pays for yourServices and tell him or her the problem. If the problem is still not fixed within a week, then:
5. Write a formal complaint and send it to the Protection and Advocacy (P&A).Be sure to say what you would like to be done about the problem. If you need help in writing the complaint, ask staff to help you. Or you may call P&A). Protection & Advocacy System, Inc. (P&A) 2424 Pioneer Avenue, Suite 101 Cheyenne, WY 82001 1-800-624-7648